
joined 4 years ago
[–] 3 points 58 minutes ago

This has got to be lead poisoning in action

[–] 10 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 53 minutes ago)

I'm reminded of that anecdote from Wretched of the Earth where a colonial cop who'd been made his department's designated torturer went to Fanon for help because his job was destroying him emotionally. When Fanon advised the cop to quit his job, the cop said that no, he didn't want to quit his job, he wanted Fanon to make him okay with doing his job.

Fanon doesn't say he responded by pushing the cop out of a window, but it would have been entirely warranted.

[–] 35 points 7 hours ago

I am so sick of this weaselly bullshit where Zionists pretend that they're poor discriminated victims and get people silenced for "antisemitism." Using the banner of anti-racism to facilitate actual genocide.

[–] 24 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Okay I have now officially gone from not caring who wins to wanting Kamala to lose. This hubris cannot go unpunished.

[–] 75 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

41 and only a colonel? What a slacker.

[–] 21 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Reminds me of how homophobes love to claim that Rome fell because of gay people. Which, if you actually know anything about Rome, is in fact a strong argument in favor of gay people.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago

Often ableist against neurodiverse people, too.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Wasn't aware of this and am now morbidly curious.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

No need to apologize! I'm glad this post was of value to you, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (6 children)

For real? I never checked out KMFDM because I saw their name translated as "No mercy for the majority" and assumed they were on some "might makes right, crush the weak" fash shit.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago


Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


Apparently there's a plot point that involves Gaia creating the Ratkin to eradicate humanity's "surplus population" through disease, which has some very uncomfortable implications, especially in the light of the gross indifference to human life that the ruling class has exhibited in the wake of Covid-19.

I realize this is hinged on a lot of assumptions (that this information is accurate in-universe and that Gaia, as the personification of the Earth, serves as a mouthpiece for the creators' environmentalist views), which is why I'm asking.


How much longer will they deprive us of Shadowrun: Hong Kong 97?


Being sick enough typically meant spending the day laying in bed, alternately shivering and burning, drifting in and out of sleep, occasionally puking, and that was still preferable to spending the day at school.


My org has like 8 events on the calendar for this upcoming week and I'll need to attend at least 2-3. The first one isn't until tomorrow but seeing those updates just drained me of energy and now all I want to do is lay down and tune out the world.


For the most part, the article speaks for itself, though I did want to add some elaborations of my own.

At first blush, Marta Velasquez, the game's protagonist, seems like the stereotypical Strong Female Character (tm): a misguided attempt to make an admirable female character by having her embody all the traits of toxic masculinity. What becomes apparent as one plays through the game, though, is that we're not supposed to admire these traits, and in fact the game spends a fair amount of time dissecting and criticizing toxic masculinity through her. Velasquez is a hazard to everyone around her, carelessly blasting her wingmen, sabotaging her organization so she can fly more missions, constantly threatening her coworkers with violence, and the world reacts accordingly. Her coworkers fear and despise her, her self-centered attitude gets in the way of her organization's mission, and she largely spends the game digging herself into a deeper and deeper hole. She is, at best, a terribly broken person in desperate need of therapy, only tolerated by those around her out of pity or necessity.

That's doing quite a bit with a female protagonist for 1994, and a hell of a lot more than any contemporary games I can think of (Metroid 2 and Super Metroid maybe come close).


The only naive mistake on any players' part would be playing with this guy in the first place

Pinging because I know you hate this stuff too

  • Blue lines indicate base of neck
  • Yellow lines indicate neck
  • Green indicates head (with snout outlined)
  • Red indicates eyes

Want to make sure nothing jumps out as blatantly wrong with proportions/perspective before I proceed any further, so that I can correct those mistakes while it's still easy to do so. I am not anything resembling a trained artist, so any advice would be greatly appreciated, even if it seems obvious.


"Make it less square" isn't really an option, since the attack it's used for needs a square hitbox.

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