
joined 3 years ago
[–] 11 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

It's mostly a synonym for enbiephobic that puts a bit more emphasis on the insistence to uphold a strictly binarist view of gender. The exor comes from XOR (exclusive or), in this case meaning "either man or woman and nothing else".

[–] 13 points 12 hours ago (5 children)

Serano is a land of contrasts. There's really useful concepts she has come up with, given that she coined both transmisogyny and oppositional sexism as analytical terms, but at other times, it just shows that she comes from a truscummier time where a lot of cisnormative, transnegative and exorsexist views where anchored much deeper in trans communities than today. I think it was you who had a conversation about her views on NB people with somebody earlier today and the example provided really felt as if some nonbinary folks called her out on this stuff and she didn't take it very well.

[–] 33 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

In the original Matrix movie, the spoon represents an essentialist view of gender and in a wider cis-accessible sense, the ruling ideology. By understanding that there is no spoon, Neo banishes false consciousness and achieves the full potential for self-actualization and unlimited kung-fu skills. In this essay, i will ...

[–] 12 points 14 hours ago

Honestly, (trans)misogynistic transmascs are a pain in the ass, but in the end they're just incel ideologues or liberal chauvinists like any other masc person with problematic views, and the reason is largely the same, they latch onto male privilege to lord it over women. As people navigating a masc-aligned gender role, they intuitively get how to center yourself in conversations, how to silence women and how to be a petty, power-grabbing piece of shit in general, because our society provides ample role models, material and ideological incentives and culturally ingrained leeway for that. It has to to maintain patriarchal property and power relations. Trans men are men and sometimes, some of them are men in the worst ways possible, it comes with the territory when you live in a society that enables male violence in all kinds of ways.

The main difference is that they are people i run into in supposed safer spaces, but it never sat well with me to give them their own trans-specific label, i honestly don't think these dinguses deserve it. They're just misogynist swine like all the other misogynist swine. And i wouldn't say that all transmasculine people are united by a shared lived experience of not experiencing what i go through, trans experiences are a bit too diverse for that. I get a feeling that there's a neo-binarist essentialism to the TME and TMA labels, and i do not use them when calling out (trans)misogyny. I do that a lot, i had to do that with somebody in a trans space just yesterday, but i did not need to call dem TME for that. If i needed an expression for that person, i would go with transmisogynist, joyless pile of spite and insecurity, that seems more fitting than TME.

[–] 9 points 14 hours ago

Yeah, i wouldn't say i could strongly identify with it, either. Relate to many of the themes, yes, but emotionally i'd say it was more like giving me a feeling of a hard to pinpoint weariness and melancholy. There's a lot of media that makes me cry, there's a lot of often much more vaguely trans-related horror that either fills me with abject terror or makes me feel empowered in a positively monstrous way and that film didn't do any of either.

spoilerThat's in spite of me coming out in my early 40s, so i spent about as much time as an egg as the protagonist has at the end of the movie. I still wouldn't say it really captured my experience, although i get that feeling of never being fully there that is referred to as "just narrating your own life" or smth like that in the movie. And there's other stuff throughout the movie that makes me go "yeah, i understand that", but it doesn't feel like the story of my past. It's not the way i survived, not the way i repressed things and often not the way things broke through and bubbled up to the surface, either. But that's fine, people are built differently and have different experiences.

[–] 13 points 15 hours ago (2 children)

I just saw I saw the TV glow and fully expected to hate it, but it was actually beautiful. Also mildly painful to watch, but there is a sad, haunting wonder both in its visuals and its themes.

[–] 6 points 18 hours ago

i don't wanna start a struggle sesh here, but a giraffe very clearly looks like an antelope image that has been stretched without regards for proportions

[–] 5 points 20 hours ago

I can't stop calling this guy Furzgesagt

[–] 40 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah sure, the guys who would fall for "hey, we do not give a shit about your material problems, do you want to pick up a rifle and be a murdering tool of our empire instead?" will pick fascism with lanyard cringelord aesthetics over mask-off fascism. How far does this ridiculous dork have his head up his own ass to convince himself this plan could work?

[–] 21 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

pretty sure he's with Trump, I've never seen even district management dress like that.

Yeah, that guy looks like SS to me (still can't believe Amerikans literally call the personal guard of their political leaders the SS)

[–] 8 points 23 hours ago

Particularly bad episode of Kitchen Nightmares meets the energy of Frittte Girl from Disco Elysium

[–] 5 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

The modus operandi is less West Bank and more cult compound, or just large parts of the nazi scene in a Western city buying cheap, abandoned houses in an almost-ghost town in the East. I can dig up sources, but i don't know anything in English about this.


In a bombshell leak from @PinkNewsStaff on X, Pink News' CEO Benjamin Cohen has been recorded signalling his intent to abandon the trans community to instead focus on being an “entertainment powerhouse”.

In the leaked recording Benjamin is captured stating "We have to be careful." "It's the role of others to change narratives", going on to further say that covering transgender issues will cause them to lose advertisers.

This revelation comes two weeks after pinknews removed their trans category from the website.

@PinkNewsStaff joined X in May 2024 and has been releasing several other allegations about the outlet, claiming there is a toxic culture of bullying, harassment and discrimination at PinkNews.

Leaked audio in the linked article.


When i first read that passage, i seriously wondered if somebody had reformatted a Halimede tweet. I don't want to dunk on Serrano too much here, i've taken a lot of good input out of her works, but this is one of her takes that has aged poorly. Like, seriously, i am so fed up with that view of being trans. The one that always, always without fail, centers suffering and pain and misery, that can only frame our joy and our thriving in contrast to the damage that has been inflicted on us, the one that can never let the past rest.

I am not like this. And it's beginning to become a problem.

You see, i like being in community with other trans people. I'm at home there, i've made friends there, found lovers there. It's where i belong. As long as i stay within my own bubble. As soon as i step out of it, i immediately get bombarded with unsolicited trauma dumps, dysphoriaposts out of a 4chan hellhole and a trainload full of internalized transphobia. Everything is a trigger for me. I cannot safely navigate most trans spaces anymore because the people there just drag me down. I logged in yesterday after a long hiatus and looked into the trans megathread and the first thing i had to do was block a user for her unspoilered loathing of the trans existence. I don't know how to handle this anymore. I used to be the kind of woman who writes big effortposts about self acceptance and how to figure yourself out and how to begin navigating systems of medical gatekeeping, but the further i go along in my own transition, the further i am removed from making these early experiences myself, the less i have it in me to unpack all that needs to be unpacked when baby trans yell their pain into the void.

And that's eating at me. It makes me feel guilt, it makes me feel like a failure to my community. My second puberty feels as if i get to sit at the table with the pretty, cool and popular girls, giving fashion advice to the prom queen while i'm leaving the most vulnerable trans people out in the rain, the ones that would need my experience and my encouragement the most. But when i try to be there for them, i harm myself. I can't say it otherwise, it is burning me out to expose myself to that kind of pain. It feels as if i'm walking backwards into a darkness i have escaped from. How do i deal with this? Do i retreat to my wonderland of privileged, happy women and girlthings or is there a way to move beyond the triggers and face the misery of others without becoming miserable myself? Because that's what i would need if i wanted to keep helping my siblings.


It just makes more sense this way and if you're going "noooooooo words mean something you can't just grab all the gay" i'm like lol gayroller goes vrooooom wojak-nooo gayroller-2000

btw here's how gay i am now that i have ascended to my new and vastly more powerful form:

hexbear-gay-pride hexbear-lesbian hexbear-bi-2 hexbear-pan hexbear-polyam hexbear-demisexual hexbear-trans meow-hug hexbear-trans

and yes the two trans bears with the hugging cats inbetween are now the official logo for t4t


It wasn't a hostile discussion or anything, i didn't even go full "the kulaks deserved it" (although the mod that single-handedly banned me did go full "the kulaks did not deserve it"). I just laid out plainly and calmly that revolutions are inherently authoritarian, that Luxemburg said "the revolution will be as violent as the ruling class makes it necessary" and that there's one Trotzki quote i 100% agree with: "If the October Revolution hadn't succeeded, the world would have known a Russian word for fascism 10 years before Mussolini's March on Rome". Basically the whole "Jakarta Method" train of thought laid out clearly and without calling anybody names.

Note that this was on an explicitly left-leaning server that does not allow cops and troops to join. Also after several days of another poster starting destructive, aggressive bad faith arguments in the politics channel until a number of users went "disengage" on her and the channel had to be frozen until recently, when she immediately started being hostile and arguing in bad faith again, which got her not one, but two warnings from the same mod without further consequences. Meanwhile, when i defend AES without attacking anybody, that's apparently too much for her to handle. No advance warning, no "sis, you're talking to me as a mod here", not even a notification that i got banned.

The best part is that according to screenshots a friend just sent me, she's now completely going off about "authoritarians". The nerve some people have.

Sorry for posting pointless internet drama here, i just needed to vent.


The world chess federation FIDE recently made the incredibly transphobic and mysogynist ruling to exclude trans women from competing in women's tournaments, to strip trans men of pre-transition titles and to subject trans people to a two-year long surveilance process that could lead to forced outings. The German and French chess federation have now decided to ignore this ruling. Source in German (mostly with the info from the image):


Sorry about the idealism tho, this test is actually hella dumb, but it's more fun than they usually are (at least if you're a permanently online trans person).

Anyway, if you want to do dumb political compass shit, but with trans memes, here's the test:

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