this post was submitted on 09 Aug 2023
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founded 1 year ago

PUBLIC - Version 5.66.1

Platform: LG webOS 3.0+


  • Change default remote quality from 4Mbps to 12Mbps


  • Fixed episodes hub not displaying on miniseries preplay screens for Discover source
  • [Community] Number of friend suggestion hub items is now 10
  • [Discover Together] Fixed disclaimer overflow in the Privacy Settings screen
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[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I’m asssuming as the releases for multiple products were released at once, that it is just some minor platform specific modifications to a base.

On LG, the app needs about 4 presses to unpause, which is odd behaviours. First press is turn off lg screensaver. Second is to turn off plex screensaver. Third is to show plex controls, with play highlighted. Final press is play. I wonder if that’s intended. Most other apps is a single press.