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submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

So I've been thinking about Linux recently, and I'm told this is where the Linux experts hang out. I have a lot of questions that I can barely articulate, so I'm just hoping someone gets where I'm coming from.

I always knew there were more than two operating systems, but the closest I got to open-source software was dabbling with Firefox and OpenOffice in college. I'm an engineer, and trying to stay compatible with all the engineering programs means you're probably going to use Windows whether you like it or not, so I never seriously considered another OS until now. I'm proud of being good at Windows, but also bitter about it
 I can't shake the nagging feeling that I've been missing out.

So I started looking up guides on Linux, and I have so many questions.

I'm astonished by how many distros there are. It's not just Ubuntu, we have Mint and Zorin and MX and enough options to make my head spin. So how do you choose a distro? Do you just know, or do you have to try them all? Trying one is daunting enough. I'm afraid people might lose respect for me and the open-source software movement if I change my mind. Is there some place where you can try distros on for size without the trouble and risk of migrating multiple times?

How do I know if Linux is right for me? How do I know Windows is wrong? If I loathe my user experience with Windows, is that the fault of Windows or just me? If Linux starts feeling comfortable, how do I know it's because I've made the right choice and it's not just inertia setting in? Does that even matter?

I'm at least good with Windows, but I lack the intuition of the average Linux user. Could I really master Linux the way I have Windows, or would my awkward personality relegate me to being a permanent tourist?

Is my hardware too old to start tinkering with OSs?

I know your choice of OS should take priority over your programs, as long as those programs aren't vital, but I have a full Steam library and don't look forward to losing any old friends. Can I partition my drive? Is that worth the trouble, switching from OS to OS depending on circumstances? I hear some distros these days can run some windows programs, and that you don't have to leave your old programs behind the way you used to, but can I count on that trend continuing?

Will losing touch with the Windows environment make it more difficult for me to succeed in a Windows-dominated career?

Sorry for the ramble. I'm probably overthinking this. I overthink everything. But I also grew up in a time and place where changing OSs meant you risked losing everything.

EDIT: The post title has been updated from “Need help with Linux” to “egg🐧irl” to meet local standards. This post happened because I was writing a post for a tech forum, but had other things on my mind, things which I’ve yet to find the courage to verbalize directly. I appreciate the advice and encouragement, both about migrating to Linux, and
 “migrating to Linux.”

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[–] 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It's understandable to feel that way about trying a new OS. It's a pretty big decision. I think the only way to know would be to try one out. and see if you like it. Linux can run pretty well on old hardware, so I wouldn't be too concerned there.

There's a few ways to try out linux without committing to even a dual boot. You could try running it in a VM in windows. I've used VirtualBox in the past to do that and it worked out fine. You may not get to properly see how well your hardware does in a VM tho.

You can also create a LiveUSB with Persistence, if you've got a spare USB thumbdrive lying around thats large enough (>= 4GB at smallest, maybe?). This will allow you to boot your computer into Linux off of a USB drive and try it out. the Persistence setting will allow you to save any changes you make to it like installing software or creating files to persist on the USB drive so you can go back to Windows and come back and all your changes will be there. It won't do anything to your Windows install at all.

You said you have an engineering background and use proprietary software. It's possible that some of it may run on Linux. Is it software you run on your own personal machine, or just use at work? You can check the WINE Appdb to see how any software you may need thats non-negotiable (as in an alternative just wont cut it) will work. A lot of times, the issue isn't really that things wont run on Linux or WINE, but that they have antipiracy or anticheat measures that won't accept an OS other than the one it was written for.

Valve has really done a lot for gaming on linux, and a lot of Steam games do work well. Idk what kind of games you play, but you can always check ProtonDB for Steam compatibility. Just be sure to click on "PC" once you select the game you're looking for. Sometimes there are tweaks you may need to do (Lookin at you Blue Reflection, lmao) in order to get things to work. Other times, stuff will just run out of the box (eyyy Sekiro). For games outside of steam, I'd look at Lutris, or again, the WINE AppDB. AreWeAntiCheatYet? maintains a list of games that have anticheat systems and if they have, or have plans to implement, linux support.

I would recommend you start with Linux Mint. It's based on Ubuntu, which is a really popular distro, so there's tons of support you'll be able to find out there on the internet that should apply. The standard Cinnamon package should be good, unless you really feel your PC is old, then maybe the XFCE version will be better. (It's more lightweight than Cinnamon). If you do ever go down the route of distro hopping if you choose to do a dual boot, I'd recommend maybe setting up a separate /home partition when you're installing Linux, but that's wayy further down the line from just trying it out.

Have fun with it!