The Global Order Of Satan

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This is the official Lemmy Community for The Global Order Of Satan, a progressive, independent, non-theistic Satanic ministry with Orders around the world. We promote Satanic ideals, encourage elevation of the self, and challenge the oppression of hegemonic religions.

Non Satanists welcome to join and participate and ask questions.

The rules:

  1. Follow the Six Pillars at all times.
  2. Post and comment with respect for everyone
  3. Zero tolerance for racism, ableism, sexism, casteism, transphobia, homophobia. This includes antisemitism - attacking religions (Judaism) is fine, attacking races (Jewish people) is not.
  4. No proselytising. Don't try and 'convert' people to or from any religion
  5. No doxxing. People have the right to be as private as they like.
  6. No brigading.

Global Order Of Satan Orders

Global Order Of Satan Online

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founded 1 year ago

Our UK Order will be at The Satanic Flea Market in London on April 7th, here's where you can find them at the event.


GOS: Steel City recently announced the launch of their 'Baphomet Bags' campaign to help their unhoused neighbours in the Pittsburgh area offering ways to donate money or through Amazon Lists. They have now announced the location of physical drop-off points should people want to donate pre-owned items.

These are (so far): Grim Wizard located at 1206 Arlington Ave and Studio 42 in Beaver Falls.


Announcing GOSPod - A monthly(ish) podcast from GOS UK. Head to to listen to the short trailer and subscribe. We hope to be on Apple, Google, Amazon etc soon but it takes awhile to get approved.

EDIT: I'll be uploading each episode to our PeerTube account too.

Satanically Curious? (
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

I've got a few messages on Matrix recently that shows that our communication methods area bit confusing. Noted and I'll make things clearer on the main site but in the meantime;

We do most communicating via Discord. If you are a Satanist, or simply Satanically curious and want to participate then:

  1. GOS-wide Discord server - this is open to all GOS members, whatever country specific Order they belong to. It is also open to Satanists who might belong to other organisations or none as well as people who are not Satanists but curious or interested. Maybe you're thinking about applying but want to see what we're about first - this is a good way to do that. There is an application form as we want to screen for racists/transphobes/homophobes/misogynists/ableists etc. You are not applying for GOS Membership, just Discord access.

  2. GOS: Steel City is our US/North American specific Discord server. It's operated by GOS: Steel City, our US Order. This is for people who specifically want to join that Order. There is an application form. The form is for full membership.

  3. GOS Polska same as above, but for Polish full Members.

  4. GOS DE same as above but for all our German SPEAKING Orders - so Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Full Members only.

I hope that's a bit clearer.


"Steel City’s current Unholy Philanthropic venture is an assembly and face to face distribution of "Baphomet Bags" Pittsburgh is currently facing a notable increase in homelessness. We are working to help our unhoused neighbors by collecting a variety of sustainable essentials and distributing them directly to those in need.

Working alongside local small businesses and our siblings in Satan across the globe, we hope to bring a better quality of life to and connect with our unhoused population.

Our focus will be on items that are lightweight, collapsible, and reusable. Oftentimes people have to carry around all of their belongings with them at once. This will help ease the burden both physically and of having to find the same resource over and over again in some cases. "

Visit the linked page if you'd like to throw them a couple of bucks or buy something via their Amazon wishlist - everything goes to their unhoused neighbours. If you're a Pittsburgh local, they'll shortly be announcing some drop-off points too if you have already something that's on their wishlist.


Our UK Order will be in London at the Satanic Flea Market on Sunday April 7th. Come along and say 'hi'!

The Market is in Torrens Street, the nearest tube is Angel. It starts at 12pm and ends at 6pm, entry is £4 per person.


Global Order of Satan became aware today that the Daily Star newspaper have run a front page story in which ex-Boyzone member Shane Lynch claims Taylor Swift is a Satanist.

We have a long-standing policy of not confirming or denying rumours about our membership but we'd suggest that Mr Lynch Needs To Calm Down and stop creating Bad Blood. Even if she weren't our Anti-Hero, we'd still think she needs to Shake Him Off because We Knew He Was Trouble.

As stated, we don't usually comment on membership applications, but We Wish You Would.


You may recall that in November last year we were delighted to announce the induction of our newest Order formed of members from the Pittsburgh area, USA. After a hectic few months of dedicated hard work by them, they've now announced their official web presence and social media accounts. They have also grown quite a lot too (currently approaching 100 members) and have begun accepting Order members from other locations in the US on the East and West Coast areas until such times Orders become established there too. They have even found time in amongst all this organising to initiate a number of philanthropic initiatives such as their Baphy Bags campaign - preparing, filling and distributing practical resource bags to unhoused people in the Pittsburgh area.

If you'd like to know more about them, here are some links for you:

  1. Official website
  2. Their Discord
  3. On Mastodon
  4. On Facebook
  5. On Instagram
  6. On Twitter/X
  7. On YouTube

The last five years have marked a great number of achievements for which we feel justifiable pride.

A few highlights among them:

  • we featured in documentaries for major networks including Netflix and Vice
  • we made national TV news in Poland for our anti-homophobia Black Mass
  • our ongoing Bloody Hell! campaign has to date donated hundreds of pounds of sanitary supplies to local food banks
  • we successfully campaigned for Satanism to be recognised as a major alternative religion in the 2021 UK census, and as one of the fastest-growing
  • we made the right-wing Mail Online retract inaccurate statements against us and pay out for unauthorised use of our media — and then donated their money to charities supporting trans youths and opposing discrimination
  • we were featured in national UK news outlets as the face of growing Modern Rational Satanism; these reports were then picked up in alarm by US media
  • worked with the Discovery media network to provide a genuine Satanic voice to their programming

Most importantly, we have built a strong community of motivated, principled Satanists in our network of Orders across the globe: committed to upholding the moral standard set by our Pillars and acting to oppose the many abuses of hierarchical religious oppression wherever we encounter them.

We thank all our members and allies for their dedication, hard work and support over the last five years — and look forward with excitement to what we will accomplish together in future.

Thanks to you all and, as always, Hail Satan!


From the article:

"In a sermon titled ‘Submit and Love’, Reverend Chris Demetriou told worshippers that a wife “should submit to her husband’s leadership” because “that’s the Lord’s pattern for us”. He added marriage with a wife at the head “will not reach its full potential” - instead, women should be subservient women and duly submit to their husbands “out of obedience to Christ”."

None of us should be surprised that this is what Christians think. So why is it news? The Church is a charity and in the UK charities have to behave in a certain way - they have a responsibility in other words - and if they break that then the regulator (the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator in this case) can and should get involved.

Alejandro Sanchez of the National Secular Society is quoted as saying:

"Mr Demetriou’s vision of a world of female subservience is straight out of The Handmaid’s Tale. It is misogyny like this that underpins the abuse and coercive control of women, which the Scottish government says it is committed to ending....In return for generous tax breaks, charities are meant to provide a public benefit and not cause likely detriment or harm. If ‘the advancement of religion’ enables charities to promote misogyny with impunity, it should be removed from the register of charitable purposes.”

He's absolutely right. This is 2024 not 1824. Some christian misogynist telling his flock to subjugate women never had a place, but even less so at a time when christianity is no longer a majority belief in the UK.


The survey, conducted by the University of Birmingham and funded by the Templeton Religious Trust, explored the beliefs of religious, spiritual and non-religious people and their links to science. Over 2,000 people took part in the survey in the seven different countries surveyed: the UK, the USA, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Germany and Spain.

In most countries, except the USA, more people think that religion has more negative effects on society than positive ones. In the UK, half of the respondents believe this, while only 13 per cent think the same about science. Here's two of the responses:

Please indicate the extent to which you personally disagree or agree with the following statement. I think that religion often has more negative consequences for society than positive consequences

Country Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Don't Know
Argentina 37% 25% 31% 7%
Australia 56% 16% 25% 3%
Canada 51% 19% 26% 4%
Germany 51% 21% 22% 7%
Spain 54% 17% 26% 3%
UK 50% 16% 30% 4%
USA 40% 15% 42% 3%

Please indicate the extent to which you personally disagree or agree with the following statement. I think that science often has more negative consequences for society than positive consequences.

Country     Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree   Disagree Don't Know
Argentina   20%     27% 46% 7%
Australia   20%     20% 57% 4%
Canada   15%     20% 62% 4%
Germany   12%     20% 62% 6%
Spain   10%     14% 74% 2%
UK   13%     19% 63% 5%
USA   26%     18% 53% 3%

Just a heads up - the GOS main website and domains are being transferred within the next hour. We (GOS + hosts) have done all we can to minimise downtime but there probably will be some.


(UK Order) - Our campaign against period poverty is ramping up, with our first deliveries to local food banks starting today!

Help support our efforts by donating at


So East Lothian becomes the latest UK Council to strip unelected church members of their voting rights, following a public consultation where 84 per cent of people believed religious representatives should not be allowed a say.

Amusingly (and somewhat amazingly) some Council members had an issue with this. One of them said:

“I wonder if this is the start of the removed on any representation or moral compass from the education committee. It sits uneasy with me.”

Because we all know it's only the Church that has morals. The rest of us exist in a pile of amoral awfulnes, unable to know the difference between right and wrong because the sky daddy doesn't talk to us.


We somehow missed this “news report” when it first came out in response to the article about us in the Telegraph, but those who have been following us will no doubt find it as hilarious as we did.

As a pleasant departure from the norm this Catholic “news network” actually started by portraying a reasonably-accurate summary of our philosophy. We appreciate their highlighting that we don’t murder people and that challenging authoritarianism and injustice, acting with compassion and seeking knowledge are all very important to us.

Unsurprisingly they then pivot to explaining why these are all in fact terrible and shocking values to uphold. We do understand that they might be a little upset by our “elevating an anti-Christ, anti-God ideology” (which is, in fairness, true) and “promoting the work of the Devil himself” (debatable), but it’s strange to us that the quote from our website offends them so. Their key concern seems to be that we do all this without needing the promise of eternal salvation or the threat of damnation — but as we’ve said all along, if you need to be threatened into behaving morally, you aren’t really a good person. If that makes us “purveyors of a lie” then so be it!

“What can we do as Catholics, especially to help our young people?” Their priest suggests they start by repenting, as if that ever achieved anything worthwhile.

We have some alternative suggestions:

  • dismantle your hierarchical systems of oppression;
  • learn to love your queer or trans neighbours, instead of trying to debate their right to exist;
  • take concrete steps to protect innocent children from vile abuse at the hands of your priests and leadership figures;
  • take accountability for the sickening, disgraceful treatment of underprivileged and Native children, past and present, in your educational institutions;
  • Charitable work is its own reward. Stop sending missionaries to perform “good deeds” with the ulterior motive of colonisation.

If the Catholic Church continues to follow its ancient, well-trodden path of bigotry and intolerance, they can expect their influence to further dwindle as newer generations see through their hypocrisy and false hope. We will not mourn its loss.

You can see the whole thing at the links below:

YouTube | Piped | Invidious


It's Transgender Day of Remembrance, and once again we mourn our friends, siblings and comrades who have left us too soon.

Join us in celebrating their lives by continuing to strive for acceptance for all, and working towards a future free from bigotry and intolerance around any individual's real or perceived gender identity.

TransEdu has compiled a list of resources for trans and non-binary people, which you can find linked in the URL field. If you are in crisis — please reach out. We care, and so do hundreds like us. Every loss is one too many.


Back on June 9th of this year and then again on the following day, GOS UK noted the troubling rise in influence that extreme religious groups were beginning to have over the education of British schoolchildren, noting that at least two members of a five person review team belonged to or were affiliated with religious groups that protested against LGBTQI+ groups and abortion and wanted to promote education centered around god.

We also noted that the the UN Child Rights Committee (CRC) produced a report that was damning towards the current educational standards and teaching for British schoolchildren, highlighting the influence of religion in education, stating that the UK should "Repeal legal provisions for compulsory attendance in collective worship."and that the UK should establish "statutory guidance to ensure the right of all children, including children under 16 years of age, to withdraw from religious classes without parental consent".

Instead of taking the findings of this report onboard, the UK Government appears to be doubling down on its promotion of religious fundamentalism in education by listening to extreme right-wing Christian fundamentalists within it's own Party.

A report published today in The New European gives an insight into the people behind this ever-growing movement. A movement which is preceded by, and partly funded by, American christian fundamentalist groups that have grown to such power and influence that they now have a member who's currently second in line to the US Presidency.

In the UK, they are led by Tory MP's Miriam Cate and Danny Kruger who lead the so-called New Conservatives, which is a political front for their slightly older group, the New Social Covenant Unit.

Cates has introduced a Bill to Parliament that describes current sex education in UK schools as 'sexually inappropriate', a description that the National Union Of Headteachers has labelled 'politically motivated'.

Serving as advisors on her Bill were the extreme right-wing group the Family Education Trust who The New European investigative team reveal "...oppose LGBT marriage, reject compulsory sex education and [...] shares RSE-related misinformation online". They were formed in 1971 under the name 'Responsible Society', later 'Family And Youth Concern' and now operate under their current name of the Family Education Trust. In their various incarnations they have opposed divorce, children born out of wedlock, abortion, sex before marriage, cohabitation and pornography and have blamed HIV/AIDS on 'the permissive society', stating that abstinence is the only morally acceptable form of sex education for schools.

Their advisory board is replete with extreme Christians who oppose all forms of sex education and regularly tweet and post opposition to gay marriage, LGBT issues and who all have links to other hard right Christian extremist groups and link to US based abstinence-religious sites such as 'Love Matters' and 'Abstinence Clearing House', both of which are either dead or only accessible from a US-based VPN.

Cates and her Bill are also influenced and supported by numerous Conservative religious 'youth groups' which have materialised over the last couple of years. As reported by Vice, these groups include "an anti-BLM, anti-Islam, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT, anti-green youth group" called 'Orthodox Conservatives' who were formed from the UK arm of Turning Point USA, a group who created "a 'Professor Watchlist' of academics that it claimed taught 'leftist propaganda' and 'discriminated against conservative students'.". Orthodox Conservatives are regularly seen on GB News and heard on Talk Radio. Their group advisory board includes Sir John Hayes, a Conservative MP who is also a member of the so-called 'Common Sense Group' as is Ethan Thoburn who works for Tory MP Andrew Rosindell. Their chief advisor, reports Vice, is Ben Harris-Quinney, chairman of the Tory Bow Group think-tank and ex-Conservative councillor, who was expelled from the Tory party and who " he was asked by a party candidate to leave for being a 'racist and a homophobe'".

These groups all rail against what they call 'Cultural Marxism', which is a far-right antisemitic dog-whistle gaining popularity in the UK and USA amongst the alt-right that warns of a fake Jewish conspiracy to create a New Order/Illuminati style 'One World' government.

These then are the groups that are both behind and inform the views of Cates and Kruger. A far-right christian extremism that, under the guise of caring about family values, seeks to advance its agenda into the lives of our children via their education. This despite the mountain of evidence that shows that frank and thorough sex education "leads to a reduction in sexual violence, fewer teen births and enables children to recognise and report inappropriate sexual contact. Likewise, an article in the Times Educational Supplement highlights the misinformation at the very heart of Cates’ campaign, explaining that all teaching materials are already made available to parents on a majority of schools’ websites." and that the policy of abstinence that they are so desperate to push shows "there is no evidence that having total control over your children’s sexual exploration has any effect whatsoever on teenage pregnancy rates."

GOS UK are of the opinion that this is an attempt, based on bad science and blatant misinformation, to prolong and expand on the exposure children are mandated by law to have to Christianity in schools and that continued exposure to this sort of religious misinformation must stop.

Follow the link to the GOS website for all references in this article.


The Global Order Of Satan is pleased to announce our expansion into the United States Of America with the introduction of our latest Order from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

We proudly welcome the Steel City Satanists to our family of international Orders. We are confident that our atheistic Satanism, with a focus on Enlightenment values of tolerance, compassion and self-reliance will continue to find a receptive audience among their vibrant community.

Welcome and Hail Satan!


According to the National Secular Society, a private members bill proposing the disestablishment of the Church of England - essentially totally separating Church from State - will be heard in Parliament.

Sadly, it won't pass. It's hamstrung first and foremost by the fact its being brought as a private members bill. These types of bills are brought by MP's and Lords who are not Government ministers, meaning there's no political mileage or advantage to be gained by supporting it. Private members bills also have substantially less time allocated to them and most of them die long before they reach a stage that could be considered significant. Lastly, it's coming across from the Lords and nobody in the Commons really cares what happens about bills introduced from there.

However, it's interesting to note that this bill was chosen by ballot in the Lords, meaning a significant amount of Lords feel this is an issue that will matter at some point in the near future. Private members bills often serve as a weather-vane for both sounding out opinion on a subject and also to try and bring media attention to a subject.

At the very least, it'll be interesting to see who comes out in support and who against. It's ridiculous that the UK isn't already disestablished from the CofE and this could be a chance to see what the public think and if there's momentum for it to be introduced as a public bill by an MP. Highly unlikely with the current Tory Government but there's a General Election next year which is very likely to see a change in party leading the country. Couple that with the fact that the UK is no longer a christian majority country and maybe, just maybe...

Anti-Christmas Products (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

At the risk of spamming you, we have our first Anti-Christmas tee and long-sleeve tee available in the shop and we ship all over the world :)

Not anti-christmas in a bah humbug type way but in an anti christ's mass type way, if you get me.

Just to make it clear where the money we raise goes, the vast majority of what we take via the shop (and all our other activities) goes to good causes. We recently donated to MermaidsUK (the oldest Trans supporting charity in the UK) and the Sophie Lancaster Foundation (a charity tackling hate groups in the UK) and we're in the middle of stocking and preparing for a new campaign to help tackle period poverty we'll be launching either mid-December or early Jan, depending on logistics. So if you buy from our shop you can be certain that the money you spend goes to help real people in real situations. No member of GOS takes any kind of wage or salary or benefits financially in any way from any of our activities.


We've recently overhauled our (somewhat cumbersome and a bit confusing) joining options and methods.

If you'd like to apply to access our Discord Server (which is for full GOS members and also for people who want to participate out of interest or curiosity whether your in a different Satanic organisation or not) then you can apply to join the Global Order Of Satan Discord Server.

Or, if you'd like to apply to become a full member of the Global Order Of Satan and be affiliated to your countries Order (or affiliated globally if your country has no order as yet), then you can do that too.

Please head to our 'Join' page for all the details.

Media Coverage Of 'Satanic Cults' (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

It was really disappointing today to see the Guardian join the ranks of media outlets which have fallen prey to the lure of exploiting the perceived “shock factor” of Satanism to spice up their headlines. Guardian article: “A 23-year-old was arrested for gun possession. It led the FBI to a global Satanic cult”

We’ve written before about the Order of Nine Angles (O9A), its various offshoots and splinter groups, and how their adoption of Satanic imagery is in truth just a fig leaf to conceal the neo-Nazism festering beneath. You can read more about the history of these groups on Hope Not Hate’s page here.

Whether it’s O9A itself, Atomwaffen Division, National Action, the Base, Tempel ov Blood or now the people calling themselves 764 – the common thread between them all is their corrupt and poisonous roots in fascistic extremism, from which sickening, twisted branches of malignancy and abuse invariably grow.

With a long and depressing history of perpetrating disgusting violence and cruelty, it’s hardly a surprise that child sexual exploitation, extortion, and torture are now also part of their supremacist dealings.

When reporting is centred around the supposed “Satanic cult” trappings of right-wing extremist groups, it might make them seem novel and exotic – but the sad reality is that these are the same mundane Neo-Nazis we’ve always fought to oppose, and up to the same vile deeds as always. Focusing on the perpetrators is much easier than remembering to support their many blameless victims, who are all too easily forgotten among the sensationalism – but it’s much more important to keep doing the work until their abusers are rendered powerless. It’s heartening that this case was kicked off by a report on social media: the more it becomes obvious to them that their hate-filled beliefs should be left to wither in private, the less harm they can cause to those around them.

Satanism has no place for Nazism, white supremacy or anti-Semitism. We utterly condemn all such groups and the harm they cause, and we fully endorse Hope Not Hate’s call for O9A to be proscribed as a terrorist organisation.


From the article:

Global Order Of Satan foresee many potential abuses of this legislation, from preventing people being able to privately access support groups and charities regarding mental health, sexuality, gender, freedom of religion and abuse to the more generalised threat of mass surveillance. Whilst protecting people from harmful content is well-intentioned, this legislation is in our view, overreaching, invasive and may harm the very people it seeks to protect.


An American church, First West Baptist, 'partnered' with a school in Bridgend, Wales teaching them that science was a lie and creationism was true, that gay couples should not marry (their website states homosexuality is 'sexual immorality') and that they could be 'saved'.

Members of the evangelical, Louisiana based First West Baptist Church visited the schools as part of a "cultural exchange" between 2009 and 2018. First West Baptist claim the partnership was established when they offered to provide help after a spike in suicides among young people in Bridgend in south Wales.

The evangelicals would not only provide 'entertainment' in the form concerts and sports events but also led classes on history, maths and science. A biology teacher said she felt "uneasy" when her class were told creationism was true and "Darwin and science has been a lie", which she described as "misinformation".

One student claimed they were told by church members that gay couples should not marry. The Church's website describes homosexuality as a form of "sexual immorality", along with pornography and adultery. It also opposes abortion. The student complained to his head of year and was told the Church would not return, only for them to be invited again the next year.

Another student alleged the evangelicals used their concerts and entertainment events to proselytise students. She says students at one show were instructed to raise their hands if they had converted to Christianity. She worried gay and lesbian students at the school would no longer be accepted by peers who had converted.


The News Movement produced a short 15min documentary on this outrage.

Nobody in officialdom seemed to know this was happening and nobody stopped it until COVID did. It's only now that members of the Senedd are hearing about this. Hopefully an investigation will be forthcoming and these abusers stopped.

This is how evangelical groups work. They want you at your lowest, best of all if you're still a child, so they can manipulate you.


The Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 says Scottish local authorities must appoint three religious representatives to their education committees. However, Edinburgh has become the latest (and now fifth) local council to circumnavigate this by removing their ability to vote in committee meetings.

It's a mark of progress that all five (so far) councils have acted this year to remove voting rights from unelected members. Hopefully, more councils will follow suit.

And in England, three local councils have removed the traditional christian prayer before council meetings with Newark being the latest to do so, introducing a moment of reflection as a replacement and saying;

" It is felt that this being a replacement for pre-meeting prayers demonstrates the way in which the council wishes to work to be inclusive of, and truly representative of, all our communities.”

The dechristianisation of UK politics continues apace!

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