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Obama, but he reads creepypastas:

Get no sleep here


founded 4 years ago

Clicking this ruins the magic.

It's a silkworm.


my partner is at her mom's out-of-state helping with some family stuff and enjoying reliable utilities. thank god.

i have been napping whenever possible. i have been eating normal meals. i am going to try a new strategy of trusting windows blindly as a way of fitting back into society again. that last part is a joke, please laugh

news on the leasing office - no one is here because there is a new owner. i called the old company and they told me that i got a notice in the mail about the change. i did not but ok. i am supposed to hear from the new landlord at any time

i first heard this from shelly in 220, who walked up to me on one of my daily "stand at the leasing office window" rituals. she handed me half of a case of bottled water and insisted i would need it. actually, specifically, she said, "happy birthday" (it is not my birthday)

i personally don't plan on needing this pepsi crap. i am going to make sure that new landlord fixes the pipes before they fail completely.

i spent about 30 minutes just chatting to shelly about all of the stuff going on. she is actually pretty legit because she is a witch. i can say whatever the hell i want about being consumed by the shadows and having figures appear outside of my windows. none of it phases her.

it felt like the first time i have spoken to someone other than my partner in a month.

daytime kicked ass. i went to sleep feeling totally normal, like i wasn't dealing with anything.

i woke up from my day-sleep at 7:30 pm. the sun was down already. i could hear a bit of rainfall, but most of the sound was the wind. the streetlight outside has a loose bolt, so the whole lamp sways just so slightly. if i look at it for too long i get nauseous. i could hear the wind beating against the glass panes.

i'm not sure if the storm was the first thing to unsettle me, or if it was the dog. the dog was awake, and fully alert. this means that i now have to go through a process that i have.

how to: clear your apartment of night-time intruders

luckily, the pipes haven't started their shit yet. i still couldn't hear anything over the wind. i will trust that the apartment is quiet otherwise

i sit still for a while and make sure nothing has moved. why am i on alert now? this is ridiculous. things aren't that weird.

i'll leave the bedroom now.

the bathroom is clear. i love that frosted glass window. a window you can trust.

the laundry closet. it's quiet. that is my preferred state of the laundry closet

the kitchen. the pantry is open, and i can see that it is clear.

where is the stock pot. i know i left that stock pot on the stove. i knew things were disappearing---- nevermind, it's drying on the counter. i am losing it.

the living room. i will steer clear of the window, favoring a nice, opaque wall. everything looks fine out here, except that the closet is closed. what is the worst that could happen? the worst that could happen is i open it and there's a creature of the night inside and it devours me. the worst is a serial killer. the worst is... well, it's simply the closet, with a spot where my junk box used to be. you know, i bet she took the junk box with her when she left. or was that before she left? suddenly, the door--


okay. its all over. its over. what do i even do. how do i manage this. what should i do, get my baseball bat? will it do any good? i feel like the pressure changed. my head hurts

at this point i got to thinking about another night five or six months back where there had been another storm, much stronger than this one. it was the first time i heard the noise outside. the rain beat on the windows, and it went on for so long that the storage units downstairs flooded.

i am a suburban kid. i don't know what all of the barnyard animals sound like. i know what i heard wasn't a fox, or a wolf, or a cat. it had a mewl to it. it had a bleating to it. to me, it was an unknown thing, and could have been an alien for all i knew. i expected to see a goat, or a sheep, or hell, even a raccoon. whatever it was, it was making enough noise that i could hear it under the downpour. when i looked out the window i saw something else

i'm not sure how long i sat there just staring at the door, recalling the flooding night. i was finally pulled out of my daze by my phone

vvb vvb vvb vvb

Incoming Call

Shelly (220)

thank god.

i answered and clambered to my feet

"hey, i just knocked on your door a minute ago."

i'm such a fool, i think to myself. i turn around to get a look at this rainstorm.

"i just wanted to warn you that your guy is outside. he's been staring at your window for the last fifteen minutes."

he was, but he is now more interested in staring at me so casually in his soaked, tattered clothes. a dark hood climbing out from under his heavy coat. galoshes

how long do we stand here, staring at each other? who moves first? who would i want to move first?

past the kitchen, in the laundry closet, i can hear the moaning starting.

outside, a man opens his mouth. it is a bleating. it is a mewling. it is totally alien to me.


last night, for reasons i prefer to forget, i was up all night, avoiding walking past windows

my partner slept in the bedroom undeterred. heavy sleeper - the apartment noise doesn't get to her. it helps that i haven't bothered her with any of this. as far as she knows, we've just got plumbing issues and a bad fuse.

every other time i took the dog outside, i forgot to lock the doors. maybe i did it on purpose - if i need to anxiously clear every room, it gives me something else to do. some other reason to stay awake. i am currently avoiding the laundry closet.

last night i kept looking for this book on our bookshelves. two ghosts are haunting a castle for hundreds of years. a lonely french industrialist has the male ghost exorcised and he wants to renovate the place. it doesn't go to plan. i feel like i've seen it since we moved, but i can't find it anywhere. maybe its in the bedroom. i spent the entire night avoiding going in there -- don't want to wake her up

i opened the living room closet to check my junk box. when you move, make sure you keep a good junk box packed up. keep that thing packed for years. it'll give you great joy when you finally find a spot to store it all. like ripping off a good bandaid.

sorry. i don't know what the hell i'm typing. i'm exhausted. by that time last night - and now as i type - i'm starting to feel like i'm losing it. i suppose that i don't need to go into any detail; i'm keeping a pretty clear log of all of that.

everything is locked up. everything is good. at about 2 AM i decided to nap under the glow of my extra smoke alarm.

i have been having these horrible dreams lately. this factory is collapsing all around me, and i end up in a deep pit full of debris, but there is no one at the top to pick me up. i keep trying to claw my way up, but i end up sinking further.

that's another nice thing about sleeping on the chair in the living room, i've never had sleep paralysis sleeping upright.

when i woke up, it was 3 AM. just a few winks.

the last couple of hours were spent staring at the ceiling. too tired to think. oddly enough, that helps the time pass.

last night was fine


tonight, for reasons i have forgotten, i am up all night

she is a heavy sleeper. the noise can't get to her. i am jealous. i haven't bothered her about the laundry closet or my missing book.

i'm losing it.

the pipes will be quiet soon. i'll take a nap under the pulsing glow of my extra smoke alarm.

i have been having these horrible dreams lately. this factory is sinking into the ground, and i can't escape it, no matter how hard i try. i call out, but i'm too angry, so no one listens.

every time i take the dog outside, i forgot to lock the doors. maybe i do it on purpose.

i opened the living room closet to check my junk box, but i can't find it.

there's something going on around here. if she doesn't realize something is wrong i'll have to make up an excuse for her to leave. maybe we should all leave. maybe this place isn't fixable.

i'll probably spend the most of the night staring at the living room closet, but i don't want to think about it.


i have been wanting to talk to the property manager in person for a while about some issues we're having with the utilities in our apartment. the water is really unpredictable temperatures and we've had the power shut off twice in the last week. i've lived in this city for years and i've never had the power just shut off without the utility service sending an automated email saying there's an issue, so i know its just this building being crap again.

the leasing office in this building is at the side entrance and there's this funny split top barn-style door. when they're in the office they'll open the top. they think it makes the place folksy but actually they are much too hated for it to matter. anyway i went down there trying to get a hold of them. i didnt see anyone in there and i didnt hear anyone working so i actually did the thing and leaned on the open door like some farm boy arriving to ask for a bottle of sarsaparilla. no dice, there was no one inside.

i got home early today just so that i could come talk to these people and of course they left the office unattended during normal office hours..

i waited for a long while, and i have to tell you, this building is absurdly quiet at this time of day. for all of the issues i've had with noisy upstairs neighbors, banging pipes, unexplained sounds outside the window... it felt like a completely different building. it was an uncanny quiet

i suppose it's worth a brief aside before i go too much further. i started the previous thread because things have been getting stranger and stranger by the week. all of the issues i just mentioned have happened over the past couple of years, very sporadically. now its all happening at once. the pipe one i was trying to figure out in particular because it seems like it should be related to this new hot water issue, but there's never a correlation.. it sounds like its right underfoot, and we can feel the floor vibrating every time these pipes start banging. its incredibly loud in the bathroom...

well, its annoying to say these least, but i thought it might be a fun little spooky thread to start.. the 'fun' part is kind of dripping away in the last couple of days.

so.. the office. i'm waiting there, hoping to talk about a few of these issues, when the phone rings. i figure someone will come traipsing out of the bathroom to answer it and i can finally get some service. nothing. this phone rings eight or nine times and no one appears. no voicemail? nothing?

so... i did the snoopy ass thing and i answered it. i wish that i hadn't. i should have just sent home office an email and called it quits

i greeted them like you normally would, and told them they had reached so-and-so apartments. there was a really long pause. i introduced myself, and told them it was so-and-so apartments again..

there was a LOT of feedback. and just as i was about to tell them i couldn't hear them, this sputtering started up on the other end. i thought it sounded exactly like an old car exhaust. it was, in fact, a man's voice

"whho is this?"

i instantly regretted my little stunt.

well.. let's see.. presuming that the camera works, the office people can figure out it was me.. but hey, maybe its a would-be tenant on the other end of the line? maybe i can still get away with this without some awkward conversation. at this stage i was still worried about talking to the property manager

"what are you calling about?"

i could barely hear myself speak as the feedback climbed.

i couldn't hear a word. i was listening intently for this horrible voice. i wondered if this person smoked a lot, or if we just had a bad connection.

the feedback took on a warmer tone and then suddenly completely dropped away. i heard the man's voice as clear as day "would you like to meet me outside tonight?"

this isn't happening. in my head, the first place i go is the horrible sounds i've heard outside my window. but i'm just jumping to conclusions, right? i don't even want to think about it. i've been avoiding thinking about that for months.. it doesn't matter, it's a weird question anyway. i tried to play it off.

"are you calling the right number? this is an apartment building.. the manager is named-" the man interrupted me

"you aren't supposed to be there, and you shouldn't be speaking to me right now"

yes. the voice is right. i should just hang up and leave.

"you shouldn't even think you can talk to me.. you don't deserve it.. i think you're going to have to meet me outside tonight. which window do you like?"

hang up and leave.

"you aren't supposed to be there"

i tried to hang up the phone, but i basically just dropped it onto the desk and bolted.

i was going to go out for dinner tonight. operative word being 'was'. i made the laziest, fastest dinner i could. i told my partner i needed to take a nap. the moment i hit submit on this post i am going to try to take a nap.

at 11:30 the pipes are going to start banging and they're going to wake me up. i'll be awake all night again tonight... this time intentionally. and i'm not going anywhere near the windows


it all started last week when i couldnt sleep. i walked into the living room and saw what looked like a red LED glowing on the wall. sure enough it was the smoke alarm. i didnt remember it being on previously, so i assumed it might be a low battery warning light.

i went to the store the next day and got a new battery and made sure it was replaced. the last time i dealt with a smoke alarm it was so annoying i just wanted to get it out of the way.

i am a bit hazy about what happened over the weekend. i was still so sleep deprived that i think it may have been a dream. i came out to get some water in the middle of the night and i saw the light again, but i thought i saw it blink. i came out into the living room to take a closer look and i heard some whispering. now i live in an apartment building and the upstairs neighbor tends to make a lot of noise, but this was super clear. i stopped to listen but i couldn't hear anything. the light didn't blink anymore, it was just on. i went back to bed.

on monday i wanted to figure out what the light specifically was supposed to mean. i presumed it was just a 'powered on, everything ok' indicator. pulled out the stepladder and unscrewed the thing from the wall. this was kind of weird. firstly, the LED was super round -- maybe i am just used to the newer LEDs, but it was really glassy and i couldnt see inside it very clearly. i couldnt see the wires connecting to the board. i looked on the back and was honestly relieved when it was only connected to the power. its going to sound very silly but i had this paranoid thought that it was one of those mega tiny cameras that they make nowadays. anyway, im no circuit board expert, so i dont really see anything else going on with the power. looks normal. moving on.

the actual thing that sticks with me isnt the LED, it was this curly cable going into the wall along with the mains power lede. the kind you used to see on telephones back in the day. i couldn't figure out for the life of me what this thing was. i didnt want to take the whole thing apart and end up having to pay for it, but i also really wanted to know why there is a telephone cord in the wall leading up to my smoke alarm.

i sent an email to management asking about this unit and cable situation. earlier this evening i got a response back. they said they don't know anything about it, and the inventory of the apartment only lists the smoke alarm in the kitchen. no mention of the alarm in the living room. this is normal, right. landlords are incompetent

now i'll skip ahead to tonight. haven't been able to sleep. everyone else went to bed. i have been sitting up with the light. it has been on, watching over me. i wonder if it is listening. starting at about 2 AM, the steady light turned to a blinking pattern again.

i got up from my spot on the couch to take a closer look. i heard something. i can't say for certain, but i swear to god that it sounded like a person's voice: "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?..."

i asked "what do you want?"

nothing. five minutes of total silence. i started typing this post. i looked up just now and noticed that the light stopped blinking. i go pull out the stepladder again and pull the thing off the wall. the telephone cable is gone

what the fuck is going on


Art by Julio Lacerda


ICP does The Telltale Heart. Classic stuff. I don't think it needs any CW, but it is about murder.


Well, some days ago, when I was about to sleep, I had a hypnagogic experience with Abzu in his form of Abyss/Deep Waters/Void, and I felt the same as I felt when I had my NDE with the Abyss/Void in 2018, except I was fine. And I was able to AP (bilocate) to the Abyss, and it was weird, I felt good, but I felt like a deep waters fish and like one of the Children of the Abyss.

I don't know if that's normal, but my experiences with Abzu/Abyss/Void are kinda turning me even more nihilistic and like whatever to stuff that happens with me at micro level, but I still have a strong resistance with stuff at macro level (National Brazilian politics, BRICS+ politics, US-NATO politics, World politics etc), yet, I can see I'm becoming even more nihilistic and more contemplative about the world and about nature and the universe, more into Black Hole worship and stuff.

I also have lots of experiences with the Abyss/Void black holes (spiritual/astral black holes), and I don't know if that's normal, but sometimes I feel like I am very detached of material stuff and I am like whatever about material stuff, as long as I can have a good life and good living conditions.

And also, I can even feel how much stuff like logic and rationality are as abstract as mathematics and metaphysics, despite I am very atheistic sometimes, I am aware of how metaphysical and abstract logic and reasoning are, maybe some kind of Abzunian/Abyssian/Voidian/Voidist version of Weber, Marx, Levi-Strauss, and Bookchin (if that makes sense for others).

And also, I often have lots of experiences with the Abzu/Abyss/Void when I take my antipsychotics (risperidone), yeah, I often had lots of experiences with gods and stuff with risperidone and still do, but nowadays it is all within the Abzu/Abyss.

Maybe there are some other people right there who are also like that, so that's the why I made this post.


Just found out about the Rougarou. Shit rules man. Try saying Rougarou without having fun.

For those who don't know the Rougarou is a cajun/french werewolf legend.

Anyone else monster brained? What are your favorite ones?


I’m trying to find an old creepypasta that was instructions on how to do this ritual. Bonus points if there’s evidence that that sort of environment can cause mild visual hallucinations, even in a clinical setting, which I seem to also remember is the case.


I have recently been going down the randonautica rabbit hole of creepy shit, and I'm reaching the paranoia conspiracy that this is a human trafficking tool of some sort. The stories just creep me out

Anyone have an experience with this geocaching experience?


cross-posted from:

I mean anything like cursed or lucky objects, ghosts, etc?

Figured it's the spooky season and I don't know too many people irl to talk to about the supernatural without discovering q-level brainworms.

I'll comment in the thread with my answer.


Figured this fit here

If you're not familiar with Kane Pixels you need to watch his Backrooms stuff. This video is genuinely chilling. There's some fantastic scares here that are quiet and simple and make your stomach drop out.


Bigfoot, also commonly referred to as Sasquatch, is a large and hairy human-like mythical creature purported to inhabit forests in North America, particularly in the Pacific Northwest.

Enthusiasts of the subject have offered various forms of dubious evidence to prove Bigfoot's existence, including anecdotal claims of sightings, as well as alleged photographs, video and audio recordings, hair samples, and casts of large footprints. Most of this evidence has since been identified as hoaxes or misidentification. The majority of scientists do not find any of the remaining evidence compelling, and instead generally consider it to be the result of a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax, rather than a living animal.

Folklorists trace the phenomenon of Bigfoot to a combination of factors and sources, including indigenous cultures, the European wild man figure, and folk tales. Wishful thinking, a cultural increase in environmental concerns, and overall societal awareness of the subject have been cited as additional factors. Bigfoot is an enduring element of popular culture[16] and an icon within the pseudoscience and subculture of cryptozoology.


Many of the indigenous cultures across the North American continent include tales of mysterious hair-covered creatures living in forests, and according to anthropologist David Daegling, these legends existed long before contemporary reports of the creature described as Bigfoot.

On the Tule River Indian Reservation, petroglyphs created by a tribe of Yokuts at a site called Painted Rock are alleged by some to depict a group of Bigfoot called "the Family". The local tribespeople call the largest of the glyphs "Hairy Man", and they are estimated to be between 500 and 1000 years old. 16th century Spanish explorers and Mexican settlers told tales of the los Vigilantes Oscuros, or "Dark Watchers", large creatures alleged to stalk their camps at night.

Ecologist Robert Pyle argues that most cultures have accounts of human-like giants in their folk history, expressing a need for "some larger-than-life creature". Each language had its name for the creature featured in the local version of such legends. Many names mean something along the lines of "wild man" or "hairy man", although other names described common actions that it was said to perform, such as eating clams or shaking trees. Chief Mischelle of the Nlaka'pamux at Lytton, British Columbia told such a story to Charles Hill-Tout in 1898.

The Sts'ailes people tell stories about sasq'ets, a shapeshifting creature that protects the forest. The name "Sasquatch" is the anglicized version of sasq'ets (sas-kets), roughly translating to "hairy man" in the Halq'emeylem language.

Origin of the "Bigfoot" name

In 1958, Jerry Crew, bulldozer operator for a logging company in Humboldt County, California, discovered a set of large, 16 inches (410 mm) human-like footprints sunk deep within the mud in the Six Rivers National Forest. Upon informing his coworkers, many claimed to have seen similar tracks on previous job sites as well as telling of odd incidents such as an oil drum weighing 450 pounds (200 kg) having been moved without explanation. The logging company men soon began utilizing "Bigfoot" to describe the apparent culprit. After observing more of these massive footprints, he contacted reporter Andrew Genzoli of the Humboldt Times newspaper. Genzoli interviewed lumber workers and wrote articles about the mysterious footprints, introducing the name "Bigfoot" in relation to the tracks and the local tales of large, hairy wild men.

Proposed explanations

Various explanations have been suggested for sightings and to offer conjecture on what existing animal has been misidentified in supposed sightings of Bigfoot. Scientists typically attribute sightings to hoaxes or misidentifications of known animals and their tracks, particularly black bears


Scientists theorize that mistaken identification of American black bears as Bigfoot are a likely explanation for most reported sightings, particularly when observers view a subject from afar, are in dense foliage, or there are poor lighting conditions. Additionally, black bears have been observed and recorded walking upright, often as the result of an injury.

Escaped apes

Some have proposed that sightings of Bigfoot may simply be people observing and misidentifying known great apes such as chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans that have escaped from captivity such as zoos, circuses, and exotic pets belonging to private owners.


Humans have been mistaken for Bigfoot, with some incidents leading to injuries. In 2013, a 21-year-old man in Oklahoma was arrested after he told law enforcement he accidentally shot his friend in the back while their group was allegedly hunting for Bigfoot. Additionally, some have attributed feral humans or hermits living in the wilderness as being another explanation for alleged Bigfoot sightings.


Some have proposed that pareidolia may explain Bigfoot sightings, specifically the tendency to observe human-like faces and figures within the natural environment.


Both Bigfoot believers and non-believers agree that many reported sightings are hoaxes. Author Jerome Clark argues that the Jacko Affair was a hoax, involving an 1884 newspaper report of an ape-like creature captured in British Columbia.

Scientific view

Expert consensus is that allegations of the existence of Bigfoot are not credible. Belief in the existence of such a large, ape-like creature is more often attributed to hoaxes, confusion, or delusion rather than to sightings of a genuine creature.

As with other similar beings, climate and food supply issues would make such a creature's survival in reported habitats unlikely. Bigfoot is alleged to live in regions unusual for a large, nonhuman primate, i.e., temperate latitudes in the northern hemisphere; all recognized nonhuman apes are found in the tropics of Africa and Asia. Great apes have not been found in the fossil record in the Americas, and no Bigfoot remains are known to have been found.

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One lady in a motel in Seaside Heights, New Jersey when I was like 10. I was in a pool and this woman was staring at me. I was going back up to our room after I saw her there. She stopped me and asked me what I thought about my parents. I told her a wholesome answer, something like even though they can be tough on me at times I love them very much. She told me her son "wasn't here right now" and she "missed him very much". She asked me for a hug which I gave her since I didn't know what to do. I went up to the room and told my mom. My mom came down with me back to the pool and my mom could immediately tell this woman was high out of her mind. The woman stared at me in the pool for a while longer and then said that her room was stinky and her and her husband were going to leave. She asked me to go into the room with her and my mom told her no. My mom said we would go back up to our room. The woman wanted another hug from me, which I gave her. After we walked away I never saw her again.

Regarding the Bay of Pigs mega (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/
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